Update 2.5 - Invasion Changes
Invading & Portals
Portaling and PvP could sometimes be a mixed bag. When you invade, there are times where your effort would have been better spent burning down enemies on your own side. It also doesn’t feel great to get invaded by someone very powerful who wipes your entire team.
We wanted to make improvements that make successful invasions more likely to help your team win, and make it feel less frustrating to get steamrolled in PvP.
We made the following changes:
You get a 30 second Portal Buff when invading, increase your Damage and HP by 33%
If you defeat another player while invading, you return to your side immediately
If you defeat someone, you retain the Portal Buff for the remaining time when returning to your side
If you’re defeated while invading, you lose the Portal Buff
This will make quick, effective defeats while invading beneficial when you return, letting you leverage the remaining buff to mow down monsters, and secure the win for your team!
Balance Changes
Increased Armor on all swords per level by 6%
Staff Damage increased by 2.5%
Increased the damage boost of Vulnerable from 4% to 5%
Replaced the Cooldown reduction perk at level 24 with Mana Burn for all staves except Staff of Storms, which already had this perk at level 32
Replaced the two increased status effect Uncommon perks on all staves with Scroll of Return and Magic Shield, except for Staff of Storms which already had these perks
Void Bow
Changed the base damage from 0.6 to 0.8
Changed the close range damage from 0.6 to 0.5
Changed the close range from 3.5 to 4
Blazing Bow
Changed the ability cooldown from 12s to 10s
Righteous Bow
Changed the ability cooldown from 12s to 10s
Icy Bow
Increased the basic attack damage of the wolf by 20%
Increased the healing rate of the wolf from 5% to 6% per second
Jolt Bow
Decreased the ability cooldown from 10s to 8s
Increased the buff scaling multiplier from 0.85 to 0.9